Exposed 4″ Gate Valves in boiler room

So you have exposed pipe work in the boiler room but you dont know how much it will cost to cover it  …….

If you follow these steps and pass the information you gather to GEM we can assist

  1. Count the number of similar items in the boiler room e.g. Gate Valves, Control Valves, NRVs, Flanges etc.
  2. Now read the size of the pipe work from the information on the item e.g. DN 100 = 4″ etc
  3. Number the pieces by size

That’s it!

Now send GEM on the information and we will cost your insulation jackets for you

A recent client sent on a list of #14 pieces of pipe work in one boiler house listed as above and we had a costing back the following day. If the items are standard (not off centre) then you could forseeably fit them yourself. Otherwise GEM can build in the cost of supply and fit.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!